Description: Moving Water Level 2 ( Skills Development) is designed to build upon the skills acquired in MW Level 1. It develops a more enhanced understanding of the principles of moving water and the paddling skills and safety necessary to paddle in Class II and III water. This combined tandem/solo course will be conducted in a three day session. Two days will be dedicated to tandem canoeing skills and one day to solo paddling skills. this course may also betaken as two separate (tandem / solo) courses of two days duration each. This course may also be suitable for those who may not have the MW Level 1 certification but have some previous experience in paddling boats in rapids. The skills performance standards, a well as the level of difficulty of the rapid, is a step above those required in the introductory Level 1 MW course.
Contact us for details.
As requested.
Location: TBC
Cost: $375
Note: Price includes instruction and skills evaluation only.
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