Intermediate Paddling

Intermediate Paddling is a one day course designed for those that have some basic experince in a canoe but want to do more. It is designed for those that would like to have enough skill and knowledge to spend the day out in the canoe away from a home base.

We will review the basics of canoeing safety and skills and move on with more strokes and techniques designed to increase your ability to control and manoeuvre the canoe. This is also the perfect course for those that want to improve their paddling strokes to become a more efficient canoeist.

On this course we will learn more about the design and construction of canoes and paddles. Inside and outside turns and landings and paddling in moderate winds and waves are topics to be covered and practiced. At the end of the day you will feel like a much more confident paddler capable of day long excursions.

Contact us to learn more about this training and to book your paddling dates.

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